Sibol And The Serpent Spear Mac OS
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- Sibol And The Serpent Spear Mac Os Catalina
- Sibol And The Serpent Spear Mac Os X
- Sibol And The Serpent Spear Mac Os X
For this project, I wanted to create the first in a series of efforts towards a pattern I have been developing and puzzling over. Here, I will forge a spear head with an opposing twist, serpentine core and a 5 layer edge.
For the core bar, as I mentioned above, there are two opposing twists. I did not take any pictures of this process, and may do so eventually, but it is fairly simple to execute. Each of the twists began as a 11 layer (maybe...I set the welds on these a long, long time ago) billet of 1095 and 15n20. Once welded, they were drawn out by hand into a roughly 3/8' square bar as long as it happened to come out to be. From there, it was heated in sections and twisted by holding one end in the leg vice and the other in a wrench. Although I do not have an exact measurement of twists per inch, as I did it by twists per bar, the tightness of the twists was just enough that the corners of the square cross section began to meet. Of the two bars, one was twisted clockwise and the other anticlockwise (or sunwise and widdershins if you're weird). Upon successful twisting, the two bars were then gently forged back into a generally square bar and welded together. The result is shown in the centre of the steel above. That bit was forged from some leftover material, ignore the two edge bars there.
Now then, onto the spear's edge. The majority of the billet's manipulation will be done by forging the edge bar, so first it needs to be made. I drew out a cladding of wrought iron from an excessively large bar I had handy, then placed it on either side of a 15n20/1075/15n20 cluster. Lacking modern welding equipment to hold the billet together, I pretended to use bits of twisted wire while holding it tightly in a pair of tongs while the far end came up to temp. I have never progressively welded in sections quite like this before, but I was pleasantly surprised by how nicely it turned out. Using overlapping welding heats, I moved from one end down to the other, careful not to stress the billet or forge too cold until it was entirely solid.
Because the billet will be undertaking a decent amount of stress almost immediately, I wanted to be sure the welds were solid. A few things I have come to look for in the weld lines is, with thinner layers, the more obvious cooling of one spot more quickly than the rest of the billet. With this thicker stock however that doesn't work as well. Another thing is the formation of the scale. However tight the layers against one another, unless it is actually welded, the scale will not form across that line. That makes it really clear that the weld did not take. With steel that is not perfectly the same thickness or exactly aligned, that might be deceiving in that the unevenness is the cause rather than the lack of weld. So, when I felt it was solid, I forged a small bit on edge to bring it down flat and watched for delamination. Eventually, it will all need to be flat anyway, because I cannot go back and grind it before welding the edges to the core.

Without being able to grind the steel exactly where I needed it to form the serpentine shape, I had to come up with another way of getting there without any serious (any at all really) stock removal. If I had a press, I would have made a set of dies to get the undulations exactly even and repeatable, but since I do not, I had to think of a way of doing it by hand.
Sibol And The Serpent Spear Mac Os Catalina
Once it was welded firmly, I began forging it back into a rectangle. To do this, I used that huge swage block in the top picture of the first post, setting the peaks of the wave on either side of a matching U of the swage. That seemed to give me the best return of straightening v. upsetting of the various surfaces I tried forging on.Once squared up, I hot cut the ends to make it less weird looking and more manageable for the next part.
When actually setting the weld, I used a hefty amount of flux, combined with a pinch of coal dust, and down into the socket a bit of iron powder. The coal dust burns out any extra oxygen, the flux does normal flux things but also draws in the iron powder which acts almost like a metal velcro to set the weld. Because there was no good way to clean the inside of the pipe socket before welding, I wanted all the help I could get. When hot, I stood the socket on the anvil and hammered down on the point of the blade. That set the weld, repeated two or three more times, until I was confident in it. Then, it was over to the horn and forging down on the socket like when I was necking it down. After that, the only thing left to do was straighten the blade/socket joint and make sure everything was gravy.
Sibol And The Serpent Spear Mac Os X
I started by forging out a handle, then setting down a corner for the cutting edge. Using a pair of double calipers I made a few weeks back, I transferred the length of the first handle piece to get a fairly even match on the other side. Getting the twists was the only difficult part of the process, as I was not quite sure how far to take it. At first, I did a straight 90 degree twist on each handle, but that was way too much. So, I untwisted it, flattened, and went back for another round. In the end, it is around 50 degrees, which seemed a good angle for holding the scraper in line with your hands with arms parallel to the ground, allowing the cutting edge to meet the steel at the proper angle (whatever that is...) And then I heat treated it. Quenched into the house blend of oil, it hardened nicely. Before tempering the edge, I heated the handles from the outside in, relieving the hardness of everything through the corner where handles meets cutting edge. I assume that the edge itself needs to be as hard as possible, so I left it fairly hard, tempering it in the high 200s, low 300s F. And, I know it's not much of a looker, but in the 15 min I had to design, forge, and heat treat it, I was not overly concerned.