FUTURE IS HERE! (in Construction) Mac OS

  • Apple will set the fate of both of its main creative platforms – the Mac and iPad Pro – at its event in New York today. The future of both is at stake.
  • Apple announced macOS 11.0 – its major new release of the Mac operating system. For almost 19 years now, Apple has released versions of macOS 10.x – an operating system that saved the company. The reason why macOS 11.0 is different from the previous version is because of the added support for ARM chips.
  1. Future Is Here (in Construction) Mac Os X
  2. Future Is Here (in Construction) Mac Os Catalina
© Provided by CNET A look at the new MacOS Big Sur. Screenshot from Apple

Apple on Monday introduced the new Big Sur version of its MacOS operating system for its laptops and desktops , with a big focus on updating the Safari web browser. The announcement came during Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, which for the first time took place as a virtual event due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The kernel is a computer program at the core of a computer's operating system that has complete control over everything in the system. It is the 'portion of the operating system code that is always resident in memory', and facilitates interactions between hardware and software components. On most systems, the kernel is one of the first programs loaded on startup (after the bootloader). The Future of the Mac. The new MacBooks and iMacs are almost here! Apple will probably want to show more of what its A14 variant can do with Mac OS software and also show some developers.

Apple's MacOS, first released in 2001, powers the company's computers like the MacBook Pro , MacBook Air and iMac . The hardware giant billed the Big Sur update as its biggest design change since OS X first came out nearly 20 years ago, with tweaks to the curves of the window corners, dock icons and colors of the operating system.

Safari was refreshed to include a new privacy report button to let you see how websites track your data, and a monitor to check if any of your passwords were compromised in a security breach. The App Store is getting a new category for Safari extensions, and it will let you customize which sites and times each extension is used, instead of all the time you're surfing online.

Apple introduces MacOS Big Sur with an abundance of new features

A customizable Safari start page will allow you to pick from a curated group of wallpapers or use one of your own photos. Also, built-in translation will let you translate webpages from seven different languages.

Other changes include the ability to create and change Memojis and a refreshed Maps app, which allows you to create your own guides of restaurants and parks, and save important locations like home and work. The Messages app was refreshed so you can pin important conversations to the top of the app (a similar feature was announced Monday for the new mobile iOS software) and search was reorganized so you can see results in categories of links and photos.

Years back, Steve Jobs touted that MacOS served as the basis for Apple's iOS iPhone software. Over the years, Apple's focused on building apps and features for its MacOS that complemented its other devices, including its marquee iPhone, in a bid to bring more cohesion to its different families of devices. That included bringing over more mobile-centric apps like its iMessage communication service, FaceTime video chat and App Store, which all first launched on iOS.

In last year's Catalina MacOS update, the Mac lineup was tied in more closely to the iPad . One feature, called Sidecar, allowed people to use the iPad as a second screen when using their laptops. The iPad could also be used as a drawing tablet for the Mac.

Another major feature change last year was the retirement of iTunes, which had become bloated with all kinds of features and types of media. It was broken up into a variety of more easily manageable apps: Music, Podcasts, TV and Books.

Despite Apple's popularity, and the success of its iPhones and iPads, the company's Mac computers still only represent less than 10% of computers being used today. The Mac lineup, too, represents a small part of Apple's revenue, with iPhone sales accounting for the biggest chunk, by far. Last fiscal year, Mac sales accounted for just under 10% of Apple's sales, roughly the same as the year before, while services sales and accessories and wearables sales showed healthy growth.

© Screenshot from Apple

A look at the new MacOS Big Sur.

Thanks for installing f.lux.

Your f.lux installer is a .zip file - it should be in your Downloads folder. Install f.lux by double-clicking it.

Once f.lux is installed and running, you should see the f.lux Preferences window appear. Here, you can enter your location and set your usual wake time. f.lux uses this information to create a custom lighting schedule for you.

You can open up Preferences any time to view and change your f.lux settings.

The f.lux menu can always be found to the left of your system clock.

f.lux Preferences

Daytime is whenever the sun is up in your location. By default, f.lux is at 6500K during the daytime, and does not change your screen’s color.

If you prefer very warm daytime colors, select Options> Expanded Daytime Settings from the f.lux menu.

Sunset is when the sun has set, but you are awake. If you are an early riser, this is also your pre-sunrise morning setting.

Sunset colors are designed to work well with normal warm white room lighting. If you usually wake up before sunrise, you might prefer a more moderate (4500K or brighter) Sunset setting.

Bedtime is the time before sleep when you’re getting ready for bed (or already in it).

The Bedtime setting changes with your wake time. It removes as much alerting light from your screen as possible so that you can feel your body growing tired. You can go to sleep anytime with f.lux - whenever you feel sleepy.

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f.lux presets

The f.lux preferences window lets you change and preview settings. There are several presets you can choose from. f.lux will default to the Recommended colors preset.

Recommended colors: Use these for the first week while you get used to the change of colors and discover how you like to use f.lux.

Custom colors: Custom color control, click the time of day you want to change and then drag the slider to your preferred color temperature.

Classic f.lux: At sunset, f.lux will fade to 3400K, and turn off at sunrise. For large screens this setting is probably not strong enough to remove all alerting light.

Working late: for extreme night owls, removes solar timing and gives 14 hours of bright waking light.

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For most machines, f.lux can automatically detect your location with OS X Location Services.

You can also use postal codes (US only), the name of a nearby city, or map coordinates (find them on the map at justgetflux.com/map.html).

If you’ve been traveling, you might need to update your location. Make sure your computer’s internal Timezone settings are correct under System Preferences > Date & Time > Time Zone

Future Is Here (in Construction) Mac Os X

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Fast transitions: 20 second fade at sunrise and sunset. When unchecked, f.lux changes gradually over one hour.

Sleep in on weekends: For people who want brighter light later on Friday and Saturday nights (and sleep in on Saturday and Sunday mornings)

Extra hour of sleep (ages 13-18): Starts Bedtime one hour earlier for teens and other people who need a little more sleep

Expanded daytime settings: Warmer daytime settings (to 1900K) for people who want to reduce eyestrain or match office lighting

Backwards alarm clock: Calculates how many hours remain until your wake time and gives reminders every thirty minutes when it gets very late

Dim on disable: Gentle fade on disable so it hurts less to check colors

Color Effects

Darkroom: Removes 100% of blue and green light and inverts colors. Darkroom mode also preserves night vision while using a screen.

Movie mode: Lasts 2.5 hours. Preserves colors and shadow detail for watching movies with reduced alerting light.

OS X Dark theme at sunset: Uses the normal theme during the day and switches to dark theme (dock and menu bar) each night at sunset. Disabling f.lux will also disable dark theme.


For an hour: Disables f.lux for one hour and returns your screen to its normal setting.

Until sunrise: Disables f.lux until your local sunrise.

For current app: Open the app you want to disable f.lux for, then choose this option to disable f.lux whenever a particular app becomes active. You can re-enable f.lux later by opening the app and unchecking this option.

If you often check colors after dark, you might like to use the Dim On Disable setting under Options.

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About f.lux

This is where to find what version you have installed, see our contact information, and get a measurement of your screen’s current brightness.

Quit f.lux

This will quit the f.lux process and remove the f.lux icon from your menubar. Always quit f.lux before uninstalling or deleting files.

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Troubleshooting: Answers to some common OS X questions


Future Is Here (in Construction) Mac Os Catalina

  1. Click the f.lux Mac download link.
  2. Click the zip file to expand it
  3. Double click the 'Flux' application in your Finder window.
  4. Enter your location and wake time


  1. Go to the f.lux Settings panel (to the left of your system clock)
  2. Choose 'Quit f.lux'
  3. In Finder, search for 'Flux' and select and delete the f.lux app by dragging it to the trash

Uninstalled but can’t delete files

  1. Open Activity Monitor and select Flux
  2. Choose Force Quit
  3. Delete f.lux app by dragging it to the trash

Quit f.lux but the color still remains

Rebooting often fixes any problems with color tint. But if that does not help you, try the following:

  1. Open Activity Monitor and verify there is no 'Flux' process running
  2. In Finder, open System Preferences> Displays> Color
  3. Delete the f.lux profile
  4. Reboot if needed

Other video display issues

Some Macbooks were recalled for problems with video hardware. You can check if your model is on the list at: https://www.apple.com/support/macbookpro-videoissues/


On dual-GPU machines we write an ICC profile in order to make the “switch” between video cards more seamless. In some older machines, and every so often, this doesn’t work so well. You can use gfx.io to lock to one card, or to read about how this system works and disable if you want, check out our f.lux profile + prefs article.

If you still have questions about f.lux or need more help, you can check our FAQ or ask a question in our support forum.