Drive Around 2.3 Mac OS

[] Winnipeg, Canada - has released NetworkLocation 2.3, an update to their popular network automation utility for Mac OS X. NetworkLocation allows anyone to create user-defined actions based on their network location, and have them automatically performed when joining a network. NetworkLocation has been designed from the ground up to be as versatile as possible and yet maintain the core simplicity that is a network location.
NetworkLocation adds a whole new dimension to using locations in Mac OS X. Users may leverage their existing network locations with powerful extras, such as launching applications, running AppleScripts and more. NetworkLocation ships with preset actions, such as loading a specific iTunes playlist, setting system volume or connecting to a server, leaving the possibilities wide open. NetworkLocation can be configured with additional locations that don't necessarily change network settings, creating nearly unlimited configurations.Drive Around 2.3 Mac OS

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Great examples include changing the screensaver or desktop image to something more appropriate at the office, disable bluetooth and lock the Keychain at the coffee shop, or play that favorite playlist at home. Why be limited to a single default printer? NetworkLocation can define a different default printer for every location.
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  3. Updating to the latest version of macOS, or running a beta version of macOS on your Mac, doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing affair. It's possible to install two different operating systems.

Version 2.3 adds support for the MacBook Air, and includes many new useful features, such as running shell commands in a Terminal window, as well an action to ensure network connectivity before performing network related tasks.
Support for the Growl notification system has been integrated, and bugs have been fixed in the actions related to Mail. CPU and Memory usage has also been reduced, and the application size has been greatly reduced.
Actions that ship with NetworkLocation:
* Set the system location
* Set the system volume
* Enable or disable Airport
* Set the display brightness
* Open a URL
* Connect to a server
* Change Apple Mail SMTP servers
* Change Apple Mail Settings
* iChat status message
* Launch an application or run a script
* Quit an application

Drive Around 2.3 Mac Os Update

* Play an iTunes playlist
* Change the default printer
* Set screensaver settings
* Lock keychain
* Enable or disable Bluetooth
* Synchronize iSync
* Change desktop picture
* Change time zone
* Run a shell script in Terminal
* Add a delay (network-aware, or time-based) between actions
What is a Network Location?
A network location is a group of settings for network ports, such as the computer's Ethernet port, modem port, or AirPort Card, for example. If often changing network settings, switching between locations is much quicker and easier than repeatedly modifying individual groups of settings. After creating locations, users can switch all of their network settings and more using NetworkLocation.
Minimum Requirements:
* Mac OS X Version 10.5 Leopard or later

Usb Drive Mac Os

* Universal Binary for PowerPC and Intel
* 6 MB Hard Drive space
* Airport or Airport Extreme Card
Pricing and Availability:
A single user license for NetworkLocation 2.3 is priced at only $25.00 USD. There is a 30 day trial freely available for download.