Turret Defense Prototype Mac OS

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Lead Game Designer on “Codex Draconum” game prototype Tower defense game prototype. I was responsible for: game design, level design, world lore, and content design. 2008 Game Designer on “Tillus Wars Engine” game engine The game engine, tools, and editor used later in „Codex Draconum”.


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Date of Award


Turret defense prototype mac os 11

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Committee Member

Dr. Brian A. Malloy, Committee Chair

Committee Member

David Donar

Committee Member

Dr. Eric Patterson


Video game remakes are a popular modern phenomenon in which an existing game is remade to target a different platform, a higher resolution, or simply a different audience. Seldom, however, are video games remade into a different genre altogether. In this paper, we describe the process of remaking Kingdom Rush, a popular top-down 2D tower defense game, into a 3D third-person shooter in Unreal Engine 4. In addition to recreating all visual components of the game in 3D, this process revealed several challenges that arose related to transferring the gameplay from a 2D screen to a 3D world. We describe these challenges and their solutions and describe the results of our work: a playable, single-level prototype that mimics the original game in aesthetics and functionality while also incorporating a controllable hero character.

Recommended Citation

Stith, Christian, 'Kingdom Rush Tribute: Porting a 2D Tower Defense Game to a 3D World using Unreal Engine 4' (2017). All Theses. 2736.



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A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Note: Turret Defense is currently in BETA (expect a few bugs here and there.) Updates will be pushed out throughout the game's lifetime to make it more balanced, and make it more fun.

The Game:

Turret Defense is a tower defense game. You must help the turrets from the enemies from taking over their territory, by spawning turrets on the battle field. As you defeat more and more enemies, the levels get harder. You must help the turrets drive these pesky enemies out of your territory. Spawn turrets, and upgrade them to defend, and attack. The enemies attack in groups of waves. As the level goes further, the harder the waves are. So, you must use your money wisely to upgrade and spawn turrets.

Game modes:

Endless Mode: Keeps on spawning more waves until you run out of health.

Levels: Includes 10 levels (more coming soon) , with each level getting harder.


  • WASD - Move camera
  • Scroll - Zoom in and out
  • Left Click - Spawn Turret
  • Right Click - Upgrade and sell turret
  • ESC/P - Pause menu


Art and Font - Kenney (http://kenney.nl/)

Music - Seen (https://soundcloud.com/someguyontheinterenet)

Turrets and other Mechanics - Brackyes (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYbK_tjZ2OrIZFBvU6CCMiA)


You can find out more, report bugs, and talk with the developer on our Discord (deleted)!

Current: Version 1.61

Turret Defense Prototype Mac Os Download

Want to get Turret Defense for free? You can get the Android version for free here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Tetra.TurretDefense&pli=1

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
GenreStrategy, Shooter
Tags3D, artificial-intelligence, Destruction, Real time strategy, Singleplayer, Tactical, Tower Defense, tower-defense-game
Average sessionA few minutes


In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Also available on

Development log

  • Update V 1.61
    Jan 15, 2018

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Wow. I like what you've done with the tutorial. I don't currently have the game, but I might get it soon :)

Turret Defense Prototype Mac Os X

Fun game. Once you get past the 100 level mark the game starts to get very laggy though.

Thanks! Yes, the game needs some more balancing. We will be adding that in the next update!

It would be better if you make some short video clips for people to know the way to play. :)

Yah, we are planning on making a trailer video, of game play and how you play the game. Thanks for the suggestion!