Mushroom Challenge Mac OS
Application of Edible Oyster Mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus Extract to Control Postharvest Melanosis in Shrimp, Penaeus vannamei
Marivic G. Llanto and Angel B. Encarnacion*
Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Region 02,
Regional Government Center, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500 Philippines
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Control of the deteriorative effects of melanosis has been a challenge to the industry. Melanosis in crustaceans is normally controlled by means of direct application of various inhibitors such as 4-hexylresorcinol, sulfites, and phosphates. However, direct application of synthetic inhibitors to melanosis and antioxidants in food processing is usually restricted by considerations relevant to safety and effects on the food quality. This study attempted to apply a hot water extract prepared from the trimmings of edible oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus fruiting body to control melanosis in cultured Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, through immersion technique. The antioxidative and antimelanosic properties of a hot water extract prepared from the trimmings of edible mushroom fruiting body were evaluated. The study compared the potential of the aqueous mushroom extract to prevent melanosis in cultured Pacific white shrimp with other antimelanosic compounds through immersion technique. The mushroom extract has high antioxidiative and antimelanosic activity. Immersion of marketable size shrimp in a 1.0% w/v solution of mushroom extract for 60 min significantly controlled melanosis in the treated shrimp during ice storage and comparable with the effects of 0.05% w/v ascorbic acid or sodium sulfite treatments. This study suggests that in vivo application of P. ostreatus extract through immersion technique can be an alternative to synthetic antimelanosic agents to inhibit postmortem melanosis in shrimp.
Key words: melanosis, mushroom extract, Penaeus vannamei, Pleurotus ostreatus, polyphenol oxidase, scavenging activity
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Food appearance is normally associated with color and is one of the primary attributes used by consumers to evaluate food quality. Factors such as naturally occurring pigments in foods and pigments due to both enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions greatly influence the color of foods. Notably, enzymatic browning is one of the most well studied color reactions that affect fruits, vegetables, and seafood products. It is catalyzed by the enzyme polyphenoloxidase (PPO), generally used to refer to tyrosinase (EC and cathecoloxidase (EC (José-Pablo et al. 2009). While enzymatic browning is essential to the overall acceptability of foods such as tea and cocoa, this can also bring devastating reactions in fruits, vegetables, and seafoods particularly in crustaceans. Severe blackspot formations or melanosis caused by enzymatic reaction in crustaceans can cause significant financial losses being a high value aquatic species (Kim et al. 2002). Such losses have prompted considerable interest in understanding and controlling PPO activity in foods, particularly in crustaceans. . . . . . read more
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