Kick Mac OS
You wanted a kick-ass action game and you got it. Action, action, and more action - that's a motto for the new post-apocalyptic humans vs robots blockbuster shooter called Wastelands created by Reflector Studio.
- wastelands_setup.exe
- Reflector Studio
- Shareware ($19.95)
- 7.11 Mb
- 9x, NT, 2000, ME, XP
Some games scare you, some entertain. This 'kick-ass-take-no-prisoners' shooter won't leave you any time to feel anything but 100% pure adrenaline rush. Buckle-up, because turbulence is right. ...
- CosOR.exe
- Alawar Entertainment
- Shareware ($19.95)
- 13.34 Mb
- Win95, Win98, WinME, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003
Mission X is a free open source multiplatform space shooter written in java featuring kick-ass graphics and OST. Languages: English, Italian. Last update: July 23, 2010. Trailer and more screenshots:. ...
- missionx
- Freeware (Free)
- 84.28 Mb
- Windows; Mac; Linux
AstroRock 2000 features fast action, a rockin' soundtrack and more levels than a Spinal Tap amp volume setting. More aliens, more weapons, more asteroids, more attitude and more explosions than ever. The righteous tunes of Rock n Roll are once again threatened by the uptight aliens from the Bee-Gee cluster.
- astrorockdemo_setup.exe
- Ideas From the Deep
- Demo ($)
- 5.21 Mb
- Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000
sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL. sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a kick-ass detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, to accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating .
- sqlmap-0.9.tar.gz
- Bernardo Damele
- Freeware (Free)
- 5.93 Mb
- Linux
Free 40 Page Joke Book. If Laughter is the Best Medicine - You're about to hit the motherlode. 40 pages of Kick-Ass, Side-Splitting, Pants-Wetting Jokes.
- free-joke-book.exe
- Horizon Enterprises
- Freeware (Free)
- 532 Kb
- WinXP, WinNT 4.x, WinNT 3.x, WinME, Win Vista, Win98, Win95
Final Knockout screensaver game. A Kick Ass of a Beat em up. Cool beat em up.
- FinalKnockoutSetup.exe
- ScreenWOW
- Freeware (Free)
- 11 Mb
- Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,WinME,Win Vista
Arises in glory of the best arcade version of table soccer seen till now! Its not just a game with stunning graphics of various playfields and players, weather visual effects, or live cheering. Master kick gives you the full atmosphere of soccer. ...
- masterkick.dmg
- INDUSTRY Entertainment
- Freeware (Free)
- 3.5 Mb
- Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later
Most martial artists I've met think this is one of their weakest kicks when it could actually be one of their most powerful weapons in their arsenal of kicks, punches, and other strikes. If you're the average martial artist, you throw your rear-leg r. ...
- Sensei J. Richard KirkhamB.Sc.
- Freeware (Free)
- 23 Kb
- Win 3.1x, Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, AS, 400, OS, 2
Kick Shot Pool grabs you with its beautiful graphics and intuitive controls, then refuses to let go of you with its addictive gameplay and wide range of human, online multiplayer and CPU opponents.
- kickshotpoolsetup.exe
- Glimmer Games
- Shareware ($19.99)
- 3.82 Mb
- 9x, NT, 2000, ME, XP
3 Ninjas Kick Back is a 1994 sequel to the film 3 Ninjas. This is a traditional platform game with each of the three ninjas having his own unique weapons, skills, and abilities.During a championship baseball match, the three brothers hear that their. ...
- 3_ninjas_kick_back.exe
- GameFabrique
- Freeware (Free)
- 1.4 Mb
- Windows All
Once, there was a table-soccer, now we have Master Kick!Master Kick arises in glory of the best arcade version of table soccer seen till now! It's not just a game with stunning graphics of various playfields and players, weather visual effects, or. ...
- INDUSTRY Entertainment
- Shareware ($9.95)
- 2.4 Mb
- Palm OS 5.0, Handheld, Mobile Other
Dashboard KickStart has been updated to fully support Apple's latest operating system, Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks. Other than Mavericks support, some bugs that have been plaguing on earlier systems. AMG are delighted to offer a virtual instrument version of our outstanding brass library! Now available in Audio Unit, VST, RTAS and Standalone versions for Mac and PC. This library is an extended and improved version of our 5 star award-winning library with the addition of Baritone Sax & Muted Trumpet along with an improved Trombone. Is 8 part multitimbral and designed for. Now, next, and beyond: Tracking need-to-know trends at the intersection of business and technology. MacOS(맥오에스, 이전 이름: OS X, 맥 OS X / Mac OS X)는 애플이 개발한 유닉스 운영 체제 이다. 최초의 유닉스인 AT&T 벨연구소 유닉스의 소스코드를 이어받은 유전적 유닉스에 속하며 동시에 유닉스 상표권을 소유하며 유닉스 표준을 만든 오픈그룹으로부터 유닉스 인증을 받아 기술적으로도 법률적으로도. Master Kick for Mac OS v.1.5.4 Arises in glory of the best arcade version of table soccer seen till now! Its not just a game with stunning graphics of various playfields and players, weather visual effects, or live cheering. Master kick gives you the full atmosphere of soccer.
Kick Ass - Kick Ass Movie - Kick Ass Utorrent - Kick Ass The Game Psp - Kick Ass Brass VstiThis post is for the Mac users.
When it comes to Mac OS X, the number of freeware plugins is very low, compared to the Windows world.
The popular “Save as VST” softwares (Synthedit and Synthmaker) are Windows only.
The “upgrade” politic of Apple is a sort of nightmare for developers (and sometimes users!), so many old free plugins don’t work anymore…
I have searched for free MAC plugins over the web and then tested !
– only free synth (not effects), in VST and or AudioUnit (AU) format
– the OS used is Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)
– i tested the plugins in Ableton Live 9 / Renoise / some free VST & AudioUnit host softwares (Pedalboard, the JUCE open source plugin host, VSTLord, AULab, Ugly VSTi Interface…)
It’s a selection with free virtual analog synths, organ emulations, epiano emulations, drum synth, bass synth, FM synth, emulation of Oberheim / NordLead / DX 7 synth, chip synth, guitar emulation…
and here a list of 25 free synth plugins for Mac OS X :
1. Synth1 AU/ VST
The must-have free synth plugin is available for Mac since one or two years, it is in beta state, it still have some minor bugs with the UI, but it’s usable and you can benefit from the incredible amount of presets created for Synth1, including these 😀
=> &
I had some problems for saving preset in Ableton Live.
Synth1 can do an incredible variety of sounds.
The most versatile Synth in this list
The free Oberheim OB-X OB-Xa OB-8 emulation !
work without any problem in my AudioUnit / VST hosts on Mac.
3. Tyrell N6 AU / VST
DL here :
U-He loves the Mac, don’t hesitate to have a look at the other freeware on the Website, all are working without problems in VST or AudioUnit format. I have also selected Triple Cheeze and Zebralette from the same developer. These plugins are good and full featured.
TyrellN6 plugin comes with a big amount of presets, and a deep variety of sounds. It’s powerful and easy to program. It’s rock solid stable and have a nice UI too!
4. FreeAlpha AU / VST
FreeAlpha AU
This freeware from LinPlug sounds very good, it has punch and is easy to tweak. It can do punchy bass, but also nice pads and clean leads. Despite its simple look, it’s powerful and funky!
5. Crystal AU / VST
The old Crystal Synth is still top, and one of the best synth for complex / evolving PADS, with its multipoint envelopes, and the complete modulation matrix.
One of the best virtual synth, for more than 10 years!

6. TAL NoiseMaker AU / VST
Kick Mic Stand
TAL Noisemaker
Like U-He, TAL has many freebees for Mac OS X.
I have selected Noize M4k3r and Elek7tro but you also have other interesting plugins.
The “Noise Maker” plugin has two osc + sub, a good filter and the famous Chorus “a la Roland”, so you have all you need for your fat bass/lead. Certainly more agressive than Crystal, it completes well the sonic arsenal.
Kick Mac Os X
7. Dexed FM VST
The famous free Yamaha DX7 emulation ! It’s VST only (no AU for the moment).
Use the cart / load / save button to browse or import presets.
It can read / write sysex files for and from the DX7.
Now all your FM needs are fullfilled: you can do pop ballad or Detroit techno, vive la FM !
8. MiniSpillage AU (Drum Synth)
MiniSpillage AU
Now that we have the FM synth, the Pad synth, the Bass synth and Lead capable synths, we need a DRUM synth. The Minispillage plugin has three dedicated algo for bass drum, wood drum and hihat.
I tend to prefer “Drumatic” but Drumatic is Windows only.
9. ComboF organ AU / VST
After all these synths, we now need an emulation of our prefered organ : the Farfisa combo organ!
ComboF gives you the sound of the Italian electric organ we all love. Available for Mac and windows, in AudioUnit and VST!
10. MrTramp 2 e-piano AU / VST
After the organ emulation, we need the electric piano! MrTramp 2 is the best (free or not) emulation of the Wurlitzer electric piano. It’s raining again ! Now you can sound like Supertramp ! Breakfast in America !! There are not so much controls but you don’t need more, and the sound is excellent.
11. Cheeze Machine AU
A dedicated string synth plugin for Mac ! The Cheeze machine from Big Tick is a kind of Arp Solina emulation. It has this phaser / chorus creamy sound.
it’s AU only and should work with your favorite Mac host software.
12. TripleCheese AU / VST
TripleCheeze plugin
Cheese again !
The U-He contribution to the first KVR Developer Challenge. It’s an original synth with unusual sound generation. Nice for plucked sounds. Works well on my Mac OS X Mountain Lion. Thanks to the comb filter, you can generate very original sounds.
13. Zr3 organ VST
We have ComboF for the Farfisa emulation, and for the Hammond B3 organ lovers, there’s Zr3.
It’s VST only and works nice in Ableton Live 9.
The only good free Hammond B3 emulation for Mac OS X.
14. TAL Elek7ro AU / VST
TAL Elektro
A perfect free synth for bass and perc sounds.
Don’t forget to check the other TAL plugins !
15. VST Speek AU / VST
Coming from here ! the funkiest text to speech in plugin format !
The best C64 Sam oldskool text to speech emulator, for all your techno voices.
Available in 32 & 64 bit, VST & AU
16. Zebralette AU / VST
Zebralette plugin
Coming with the demo of Zebra, the famous synth by u-He, Zebralette is a nice synth, with unusual sound, and powerful possibilities and plenty of special waveforms to play with.
17. Model – E VST
The antic VST from Steinberg, now free, and now available in VST format for Mac OSX.
It has been surpassed in all domain by many other synth (freeware included). But it can be useful and you can get some nice sounds out of it if you tweak it with love.
18. VB-1 virtual bass VST
VB1 bass
Another prehistoric virtual synth from Steinberg, this virtual bass plugin is free and available with Model E in the same package (see link above). Very simple sound, can be useful.
Freeware for Mac are rare so we take it!
19. MDA Piano ePiano DX10 & JX10 VST
These free VST work for Mac OS X, they don’t have UI, you’ll have to use the default interface supplied by your host.
– Piano & ePiano are sample based synth, the ePiano is very good, it’s a kind of Rhodes emulation.
– DX10 is a FM Synth, it has only two operators, but you can still get nice bell sounds out of it.
– JX10 is a very nice virtual analog synth, despite some bugs (the Windows version has the same), it can do some very nice leads.
20. 4Front R-Piano AU / VST
Another free electric piano emulation for your Mac!
It’s simple and has a nice clean sound. Perfect for deep house chords.
21. Chip32 AU
Chip 32 AU
This is the URL where you can also find the Cheeze Machine VST, and also the very good Clavinet emulation by Big Tick (TickyClav). Chip32 is a very simple plugin, perfect for your chip tune needs.
22. Spicy Guitar AU / VST
A free Audio Unit / VST emulation of an acoustic guitar ! It’s use a physical modelled synthesis, and is a great emulation. Here are coming the ukulele / banjo / Flamenco guitar !
Kick Mac Os Download
23. Scythe VST
Scythe VST
A very simple VA Synth (VST only), with two oscillators, a filter, modulation envelope & some embedded effects : bitcrusher / phaser / chorus / delay.
It’s simple but efficient.
You can also generate random presets!
24. Automat AU
A virtual substractive synth with 3 osc, and filter for each osc, + many effects and modulations.
It’s audiounit only, and like Scythe, it has a random preset generator.
VOPM VST synth
A VST emulation of the Yamaha YM2151 Chip that was used in many arcade games, and is similar to the chip in the Sega Megadrive. It’s a 4 operator FM synth, with 8 algorithm.
here’s a lot of preset for VOPM :
26. Bonus tracks ?
1) there’s also kickmaker, a free kick drum synthesizer in VST and AU format :
and C700, that can load sample in aiff and wav format :
2) I also tried other free VST plugins for MAC , but with no luck (no one working in any host on my Mac OS X Mountain Lion), i think these are too old plugins, or maybe ppc plugins (even if they were said to work on Mac OS X).
For example :
the Delay Lama !
AU303 & AirySynth :
3) I’m working on a port of Rave Generator VST for MAC, here you can find a beta (x64 only, VST only) :
3) I’m also working on a port of CreakBox (the TB303 plugin) for MAC OS X (i already have converted it to VST2.4 then to 64 bit), see link ( @ 6. and in the comments) :
4) i’ll do another posts with the free effect plugins for MAC ! It seems there are more effects available for free than synths.