Don't Explode (itch) (JambonSupreme) Mac OS

Article originally posted Sept 2. By the end of this year, Apple will have a MacBook Pro on sale that is powered by an ARM-based processor of Apple’s own design.It will offer the. A copy of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (or earlier): We can’t tell you how to obtain this, but a simple Google search will. You will need an.ISO file that should be saved directly to your iPhone or iPad. I right click the app and hit 'show package contents, then click the contents folder, then to the folder that says Mac OS then this file right here allows me to play the game. I will see if the solutions work Edit: I see one of the solutions is the method I use to get it to work. Just seeing if I can fix it so I don't have to do that.

Jack-O-Lantern 1.6 for Mac, iOS, and tvOS has been released. Hot on the heels of Illuminations 2.0, here's a new version of Jack-O-Lantern, and yup, it's on Apple TV as well. Now it's even easier to spookify your Halloween decorations. This version also has a completely rewritten render pipeline, so every version looks better than ever. Download today because Halloween is just a couple weeks away!

What's New in v1.6:

  • Added support for tvOS.
  • Added support for modern iOS devices and screen sizes.
  • Rewrote the render pipeline to be entirely shader-based.
  • Added new shader effects like screen glow and improved lighting.
  • Improved middle drawing with 3d carving and fewer gaps.
  • Updated icon.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Illuminations 2.0 for Mac, iOS, and tvOS are now available. That's right, Illuminations is now available for the Apple TV! Blow up some fireworks on the big screen. The iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV versions are all available together at one low price. This version adds full game controller support to every platform as well as save game syncing via iCloud.

And since we're wild and crazy, the version is now pay-what-you-want, including nothing!

What's New in v2.0:

  • Modern system support.
  • Support for new device screen sizes.
  • Save syncing between MacOS, iOS, and tvOS versions.
  • Added MFI and HID game controller support.
  • Rewrote the interface and sound systems. It's better now.
  • Hitting the bomb button changes background color in Freestyle mode.
  • Fixed High Scores rarely displaying the wrong level reached.
  • Updated icon.
  • Lots of minor bug fixes.

Don't Explode (itch) (jambonsupreme) Mac Os Free

Illuminations and Totally Sweet Sudoku are now available to purchase on Both games are DRM-free when purchased on, and you can check-out with PayPal, Amazon, or credit card via Stripe. So you really no longer have an excuse for not owning both amazing games you silly knucklehead.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Jack-O-Lantern 1.5 has been released just in time for Halloween. Both the iOS version and the screen saver have been upgraded with must have features. Why are you still reading this? Go download it right now!

What's New in v1.5:

  • Updated pumpkin with higher resolution textures.
  • Added 5 new carvings.
  • Updated all carvings to increase resolution and fix minor issues.
  • Added Retina screen support.
  • Added optional ambient horror sounds. (Mac version)
  • Added optional lightning strikes. (Mac version)
  • Added new light color setting.
  • Improved flame graphic.
  • Fixed and improved rotation on iOS.
  • Added 3D stereo sound for fun. (iOS version)

Illuminations 1.5 for Mac, iPhone, and iPad has been submitted to Apple. This update standardizes the three versions to the same codebase and (mostly) the same features. The graphics were almost completely redone at a higher resolution to support retina screens on Mac and iPad. If only we could have predicted 4K resolution screens in 2004!

What's New in v1.5:

  • Removed OpenFeint from iOS versions and added and improved Game Center support.
  • Updated background city.
  • Updated higher resolution graphics.
  • Added retina support on Mac and iPad, and added widescreen support on iPhone.
  • Added iCade support on iOS.
  • Added sensitivity option for tilt movement on iOS.
  • New in-game interface for clearing high scores, ending the game, and name entry.
  • New app icon.
  • Lots of minor bug fixes.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Illuminations is on sale for $0.99 in celebration of Independence Day. That's right, buy any version for the price of a candybar. Explode some fireworks without leaving the comfort of your A/C. It was 130˚ in Death Valley this week. Do you want to go out and shoot fireworks in that? Heck no! Stay inside and play Illuminations.

Totally Sweet Sudoku updates have been approved by Apple and are now available in the App Store. Want to play sudoku on your iPhone? Now you can! Download them today, or some other day. As long as they're downloaded sometime in the near future, you'll be okay.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Updates to the Mac and iOS version of Totally Sweet Sudoku have been submitted to Apple. Hopefully they will be approved most expediently. Here's a list of the changes to appropriately whet your appetite:

What's New in v2.0 for iOS:

  • Now a universal app with iPhone support.
  • Supports iPhone 5.
  • Fixed a rotation issue on iOS 6.
  • Reduced CPU usage.
  • Fixed several textures.
  • Added differentiation between invalid given and placed numbers.
  • Fixed several music bugs.
  • Added iCade support just because.

What's New in v2.0.1 for Mac:

  • Reduced CPU usage.
  • Fixed a bug where the window minimize button would disappear after going fullscreen.
  • Fixed several textures.
  • Added differentiation between invalid given and placed numbers.
  • Fixed several music bugs.
  • Fixed a drawing bug when resizing the window.
  • Updated code to maintain parity with iOS version.

Welcome to the upgraded Killer Robots site! While on the surface it doesn't appear all that different, we can assure you that much has been changed. In fact, we're going to call this version 4.0 instead of v3.2. Let's go to the list:

What's New in v4.0:

  • All new responsive design that automatically resizes to take advantage of smaller screen sizes.
  • New Killer Robots logo.
  • Completely changed font faces, size, and styling. No more squinting.
  • New retina graphics for some images. The rest of the images will be upgraded over time.
  • Updated javascript.
  • New responsive light box for screenshots. Yay for iPhone users.
  • Cleaned up and simplified CSS and HTML (valid HTML5 and CSS3 no less).
  • A move towards using CSS effects instead of pregenerated graphics.
  • New favicon.
  • New iOS site icon.
  • Other stuff, probably.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Uploaded version 1.2.1 of StarWarsScroll to fix a small bug that would sometimes crash System Preferences if SWS was running in the preview window. It's believed that the bug only affected Mountain Lion, but everyone should probably update to be on the safe side.

StarWarsScroll has been gifted a lovely version 1.2 update. For this special occasion it has received 27 new scrolls from the expanded Star Wars universe, retina display support, numerous bug fixes, and more. It would be most delightful if you would try it out.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Totally Sweet Sudoku for the Mac and iPad has been submitted to Apple for release on the App Store. Look for it soon!

Version 1.0 of Illuminations for the Mac has been released on the Mac App Store! It's been a long time coming, but you can finally give us money in exchange for quality fireworks exploding.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Version 1.0 of Illuminations HD for the iPad has been approved by Apple and is now available on the App Store! Buy it now and make us happy!

Version 1.0 of Illuminations HD for the iPad has been submitted to Apple for release on the App Store. Look for it soon!

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Version 0.3.2 of Illuminations has been released. Full Snow Leopard support plus bug fixes await you. A larger update to catch the OS X version up to the iPhone version is planned, but not for the near future.

Movement on the iPhone front! Killer Robots has released two new iPhone apps for all your mobile needs. First up is Ladybug Dreams, our second game on the go. Ladybug Dreams was a huge hit way back in uDevGame 2003, and we're proud to bring the updated version to the iPhone. Next up is a port of our world famous screen saver, Jack-O-Lantern. The iPhone version features exclusive carvings, spooky sound effects, and interactions not available in the screen saver. Check them out on the App Store or on the iPhone page!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

That dastardly Apple's grand scheme to make Mac OS X even more the bestest OS in the world unfortunately broke all the third-party screen savers in Snow Leopard. Oh noes! Fortunately, we've got updates for Jack-O-Lantern and StarWarsScroll right here. Download and rejoice!

Killer Robots is proud to announce the release of Illuminations for the iPhone and iPod touch. Bigger and better than the desktop version, but in a handy pocket-size. Not familiar? Illuminations is a fireworks-based action game. Loads of pretty particles and great sound and music. Illuminations is just the first step in our comprehensive plan to conquer the iPhone and iPod touch, so don't get left behind in the new regime!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Introducing the Killer Robots DevBlog for all your Killer Robots development blogging needs. There's not much content yet, but hopefully that will be fixed in short order.

Apple likes us, they really like us! Jack-O-Lantern has received the coveted 'Staff Pick' and is the current featured download on Apple's downloads page. Moderately priced champagne for everyone!

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Had a bit of a hurricane problem there for a couple weeks that slowed development, but we return bearing gifts! Jack-O-Lantern has been updated to version 1.3.1 just in time for the Halloween season. Marvel at the new carvings, features, and bug fixes. Rest assured that we're hard at work on an even larger update, so you can consider this the just-in-case-of-eighteen-more-hurricanes version.

Version 0.3.1 of Illuminations has been released. This update features bug fixes galore plus more non-visible behind-the-scenes changes that aren't even mentioned in the Read-Me. Also updated is the screenshots at the bottom of the page, as they were lagging behind by a couple versions. Huzzah!


Monday, 21 July 2008

Don't Explode (itch) (jambonsupreme) Mac Os 2

Version 0.3 of Illuminations is now available. New features include an options screen, some gameplay balance changes, and loads of bug fixes and code improvements. Download and check it out or else we'll be really sad pandas.

A new version of Illuminations is available. The major new feature is an automatic update checker so that you will be alerted on new version releases. It should make the grand experiment a lot nicer on you, the gamer.

Saturday, 5 July 2008


So we got to thinking. Killer Robots hasn't released a new game in a while. Too bad we don't have a new game to release. So we decided to release an old one instead. It isn't exactly finished either, but that's never stopped us before. Confused? Don't be. Check out the Illuminations page for the full scoop. What's old is new again.

Jack-O-Lantern has been updated to version 1.3. New graphic effects! New carvings! Bug fixes! Other totally sweet changes and additions entirely worthy of exclamation points! Download it today or you won't have it before Halloween!

Monday, 23 October 2006

Jack-O-Lantern has been updated to version 1.2, just in time for Halloween! Jack-O-Lantern has been updated to a universal binary, so it now runs on Intel Macs. New carvings have been added as well as a new drawing option that displays the inner carving walls. Check it out!

Don't Explode (itch) (jambonsupreme) Mac Os -

StarWarsScroll has been updated to version 1.1. StarWarsScroll is now a universal binary for all your Intel-using needs! There's also a few new features, tweaks, and bug fixes, so check it out.

Thursday, 1 June 2006

Fixed the Totally Sweet Sudoku buy page to be secure in all browsers. Previously some browsers (like Firefox) weren't reporting that the page was secure when they should have been. The problem has been fixed. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked. At the same time, the site has been updated to fix a few display problems in some browsers. Internet Explorer still needs a little work, but the site should look great in all the other major browsers.

We're hard at work on a version 1.1 update for Totally Sweet Sudoku. The update will add several super cool features like difficulty levels, variable sized puzzles, improved graphics, and more ninjas with guitars. We also have some teaser pages in the works for upcoming games. So check back soon!

We received word that the buy page was rejecting free e-mail accounts (like and The man responsible has just been sacked. The issue has (theoretically) been resolved, so if you were having problems, please try again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Don't Explode (itch) (jambonsupreme) Mac Os 1

Tuesday, 16 May 2006

Totally Sweet Sudoku has been released into the wild undercurrents of the net. It will now absorb the infinite knowledge stored therein until it gains sentience. 10 years from now we'll be bowing down to our new lord and master, but at least we'll have played many a fine game of sudoku. Check it out won't you? And feel free to purchase the full version. It greases the wheels of commerce and gives warm feelings in those tingly areas.

Killer Robots is in the middle of redesigning our web-site to better serve you. The old design has stood since 1999, but it's time to retire the old girl. Please excuse our dust as we work on the new design.

Thursday, 3 November 2005

Jack-O-Lantern has been updated to version 1.1. New in this version is improved carving support, camera rotation, faster loading, and much more.

Killer Robots Games has released its second screen saver, StarWarsScroll. StarWarsScroll recreates the opening titles to all six Star Wars films. Download it Today!

Friday, 21 October 2005

Killer Robots Games has released its first screen saver, Jack-O-Lantern. Jack-O-Lantern is a genuine Halloween pumpkin simulator. Plus, no mess to clean up. Check it out, and don't forget to donate!