Support Communities / Mac OS & System Software / Safari Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. Since Safari is quite dominant among Mac users, it’s good to know the ways you can control its pop up blocker, whether you’re looking for how to allow pop ups on Mac or how to stop pop ups on Mac. To open Safari pop up blocker: Select Safari in the menu bar ➙ Preferences (or use ⌘ +,) Navigate to the Websites tab. The Block Operation class is a concrete subclass of Operation that manages the concurrent execution of one or more blocks. You can use this object to execute several blocks at once without having to create separate operation objects for each. When executing more than one block, the operation itself is considered finished only when all blocks have finished executing. If your Macbook was sync with iCloud, go to From there you can locate your Mac and block it. It's only available if your Mac is connected to internet. UBlock Origin (as a Firefox addon), AdGuard, and AdBlock Plus are probably your best bets out of the 4 options considered. 'Promised to remain commercial interest free' is the primary reason people pick uBlock Origin (as a Firefox addon) over the competition. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision.
Block Ads, Pop Ups, and Trackers. Browse faster.

How to Block Ads
Introduction to Adware
The Threat of a Cyber Attack
uBlock is the best ad blocker for Mac, and the ideal tool for blocking unwanted ads and speeding up your browsing experience. Following the release of MacOS 10.14 and Safari 12, many in-browser ad blockers stopped working. Luckily, the uBlock MacOS app has you covered, making uBlock the best ad blocker for Safari 12. uBlock will block annoying ads, obnoxious YouTube ads, and intrusive trackers. It will also block most pop-up ads and help protect against some forms of malware. If you’re looking to remove ads from your Internet experience and help improve your overall online security, then uBlock is the tool for you. Read More
Blockvolve Mac Os Catalina
One of the original ad blockers for Mac OS and PC, and one of the most popular extensions in every browser, uBlock can be found for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and of course for your Mac computer. We stay up-to-date with the latest online advertising ad formats and techniques to ensure that we continue to block ads and stay a step ahead of sites that use trackers and adware to follow your around online.
Mac Os Mojave
uBlock is easy to use and easy to install. So even if you’re not very tech-savvy you can get it set up in no time. Just follow our easy-to-understand uBlock Guide and start browsing in minutes. The best uBlock feature is the fact that it’s completely free. Just install, configure, and go. A faster internet is waiting- download uBlock, the best ad blocker for Mac OS and browse in peace!
Blockvolve Mac Os X
In reading his notes and 'readme' files for each app, Patrick conveys a real concern with security; not like some who hype their products as ‘the last word’ in Mac security. This developer points out what he sees as both strengths AND weaknesses with his apps –– and his desire to improve them all as he moves forward. Very impressive array of programs and extremely detailed infos on all of his apps.
“OS X malware and security has been a personal passion for many years. However the more I learned about this topic, the more insecure I felt. Malware for OS X is trivial to write and unfortunately has become ever more pervasive. And, using attacks such as dylib hijacking attackers can easily bypass all current OS X security products.
As an avid Mac user, this worried me, so I decided to do something about it. Initially, this was for somewhat 'selfish' reasons; I simply wanted to write OS X security tools to secure my Mac. But then I thought, 'hey, sharing is caring, I should make my tools publicly available, free of charge.' This is the idea that drives the website.”
Patrick Wardle
Not to be missed, is his site’s Blog, where you will find an amazing trove of Mac security information, resources and a detailed overview of the ‘Mac malware’ culture we now find ourselves confronted with.
And as you pointed out –– he has a big heart when it comes to pricing :-)
He very quietly points out (at the very bottom of his site pages), that donations are welcome; but nothing is ‘crippled’
Nice find.